Problems at Weybread! 2 August 2024

Our focus recently has been to get ourselves and the motorhome 'van life ready' and as such we haven't been out in it very much.

This weekend we had intended on changing that but other circumstances with family members needing our help changed things yet again. We did decide however to sneak off down to Weybread Sailing Club near Harleston where we are members for at least one night away and a change of scenery.

Unfortunately, a problem encountered when we were there didn't help with the relaxing evening we were hoping for - a broken water pump meaning we had no running water or flushing loo. Never mind though - at least the wine was flowing! 

Cue an email to Simon at Thetford Caravan Services who is going to come out to fix it and do a complete habitation check in early September. In the nick of time as thats just a week before we are due to go away to Yorkshire for 10 days. We were going to have a habitation check done anyway but not quite this soon. Simon supplied and fitted a Gaslow refillable gas system for us a few weeks ago and comes highly recommended.

Onwards and upwards...



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