Vanlife - why are we doing it?

A question we are often asked - why give up everything for life on the road? 

There isn't one simple or single answer to that but in this post I'll try to explain our reasons.

Firstly, we are lucky to be in a position where we can. We are both close to retirement and are in the financial position where we can make it an early retirement (me at 60 and Belinda at 57). We have both worked hard since we left school at 16 so feel we kind of deserve some early retirement leisure time! At the time of writing we're both in good health baring a few middle age niggles so are determined to do the things we want to do while we still can. I may need to take up some yoga to fend off the stiffness though 😂 

So, why? For us it's the freedom and spontaneity of being able to go wherever we want, whenever we want and at a pace that suits us. The thrill of waking up in a new place each morning, no appointments to keep and the freedom to do whatever we please is amazing and so liberating.  We have travelled a quite a lot already but in the UK there are lots of gaps we want to fill and places we want to see. We also have a desire to live more simply and slowly - to take the slow road. Speaking personally life in our motorhome really boosts my wellbeing. Even on our short weekends away I can feel myself relax as soon as I get behind the wheel. If it doesn't sound too naff my motorhome really is my sanctuary.

Despite having a higher diesel consumption than we would in a car we will of course only be running 1 vehicle instead of our current 3. Our carbon footprint on the road is pretty small with a constant awareness of how much fuel, water and power we are using - because all are finite in a van! Living with limited storage and fridge space in our van means food waste (one of my pet hates) is virtually nil. We can ony really shop for 3 - 4 days ahead and need to plan carefully. This is one of our big goals - to live simpler, healthier and less wasteful lives.  

We are great lovers of nature and the great outdoors. Living a van-based life will enable us to be much closer to these passions every day. I've heard this called 'outjoyment' which perfectly sums it up!     

We are very well aware that life on the road will not all be plain sailing. There will be obstacles to overcome, problems to solve and a whole new rhythm of life to get used to. But we are more than ready for the challenge.   

I'd be lying if I denied that there is an element of not wanting to 'play the game' that the authorities try to force upon us these days any longer. We won't be tied to so many of the things that cause stress and worry in so many people.   

Vanlife certainly isn't for everyone. Many (probably most!) people have the need to be settled with the certainties, guarantees and security that conventional bricks and mortar living gives. Fortunately we're all different though - what a boring world it would be if we all thought the same!




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