Spring 2025 and we head off into the Wild Blue Yonder!

Belinda and I plan to finish our working lives in spring 2025 and launch ourselves into our next chapter - retirement and full time van life!

Our plan is to do a year travelling around the bits of the UK we haven't seen heading up through northern England, an anti-clockwise journey around Scotland taking in some extended island-hopping off the west coast. From there we will head south to Wales and the southwest via the Lakes District. Then when the colder weather hits we will head off south to the continent to seek some winter warmth. 

The next year and a half will see us gradually 'downsize' all of our posessions to what we can either get rid of, put into storage or need to take with us. It will no doubt prove to be difficult but ultimately cathartic - we hope!

With no concrete plan, just a rough list of places to visit and the ability to take things at whatever pace we like it should be real freedom away from the stresses, strains and commitments of modern day 'life'.

We do, of course, plan to see friends and family as often as we can. 

When we've had enough of the nomadic lifestyle (however long that takes!) we will return to bricks and mortar somewhere. 

Stay tuned on this blog for updates on our planning, preparations, trials and errors...!



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